HiAll 09年春季海外实习项目硕果累累,目前已有6位同学成功申请到欧洲最大的金融控股集团——瑞士联合银行集团UBS(United Bank of Switzerland)的实习,将于09年1月启程纽约;1位同学成功申请到美林实习机会,于09年1月启程芝加哥;7位同学成功申请到美林、花旗的实习机会,于09年1月启程洛杉矶!
HiAll Global Top Company Overseas Internship Program offers internship opportunities for Chinese students in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego, Washington D.C., Barcelona, London, Hong Kong, and Costa Rica. Our enrolled companies include Morgan Stanley, HSBC, Citi Group, Standard Chartered, Ogilvy, UBS, Ogilvy, NBC, ABC, FOX, Google, Sony, BNP, etc.
You gain:
【Guaranteed Internships placement in your desired industry】
【Excellent network with global business elites】
【Career advice from most respected industry professionals】
【Weekend Activities to the best tourist attractions】