Attached is an official registration form. Please fill out the basicinformation and organize the open questions. Personal photograph ofeach candidate is required. After careful screening of resume, you willbe advanced to the next step of circulation if we find you acompetitive candidate. Pls. be informed that you will not be contactedif you are unqualified or on the waiting list. Thank you for yourpatience and thoughtfulness.
Please fill outthe basic information and organize the open questions. Pls. attach youpersonal photograph in your email and send it with this registrationform to After careful screening of resume, you will beadvanced to the next step of circulation if we find you a competitivecandidate. Pls. be informed that you will not be contacted if you areunqualified or on the waiting list. Thank you for your patience andthoughtfulness.
Basic information
Name(Chinese) ID on BBS
College/Major Graduate year expected(Underline) Undergraduate(08 /09)
Graduate(08 / 09)
Birthday(dd/mm/yy) Height
Religion Hobbies
Hometown Smoking or not
Mobile phone Email address
Open questions (Pls answer the first four questions in Chinese and the other two in English):
5、What is your biggest weakness? How can you improve it?
6、What is your plan after graduation? Hint: pursue advanced degree abroad or hunt a job?